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17-01-2019 Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

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  • Red Wigglers King of Compost Worm
    Ngày đăng : 17-01-2019 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Red Wigglers – King of Compost Worm

    Red Wigglers King of Compost Worm (Eisenia Fetida), the king of composting worms, are the most popular and versatile of the composting worms for sale in Saigon. Named of Red Wigglers King of Compost Worm They need 3 things to thrive on breaking down your organic material: Air, Water and Temperature. Provided a good environment, they can eat 50 to 100% of their weight in food a day and produce three cocoons a week. Each cocoon can produce 1 to 5 baby worms. Red Wigglers (Eisenia Fetida) are called a lot of names Redworms, Tiger Worms, Manure Worms and Compost Worms. These worms are the
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  • Ngày đăng : 20-12-2018 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    What earthworm can not eat?

    If you’re looking for another reason to eat fresh and eat healthy, this may be it! What earthworm can not eat? Worms can eat pretty much any organic matter that was once living, which encompasses a lot of healthy food such as fruits, vegetables and grains! That’s a pretty good incentive to buy fruits and vegetables more often. Not only is it great for your health, it provides food for your small wiggly friends as well. Want to success to breeding them? Please What earthworm can not eat? One small problem some people run into is not having the appropriate food for their worms and tr
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  • Ngày đăng : 19-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Earthworm Powder

    An Phu Earthworm Co., Ltd produces pure grade of Earthworm powder, Perionyx Excavatus, free of heavy metal contaminates, fillers or other dilatants and is guaranteed to be pesticide-free. These product has emerged as the premier aquaculture feed, pet food, aquarium food , feed additive & supplement that we introduced in the Asian market place. Our Product can impact aquaculture businesses overall profitability by reducing operating costs.  Named ANPHU WORM MEAL contains 100% pure earthworm powder that can use for any animal as supplement and extra food. GUARANTEED LE
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  • Effective of Earthworm in aquaculture development
    Ngày đăng : 21-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Effective of Earthworm in aquaculture development

    Effective of Earthworm in aquaculture development as replacement for trash fish and rice field prawns on growth and survival rate of marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) and Tra catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus)Nguyen Huu Yen Nhi, T R Preston*, Brian Ogle** and Torbjorn Lundh** Effective of Earthworm in aquaculture development An Giang University, 25 Vo Thi Sau St., Long Xuyen City, Vietnam nhynhi@agu.edu.vn * TOSOLY, AA 48 Socorro, Colombia. ** Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7024, 750 07, Uppsala,
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  • Ngày đăng : 19-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Earthworm Casting Prosoil in Saigon

    Earthworm Casting Prosoil in Saigon is available now! Why Earthworm Casting Prosoil in Saigon? Earthworm Casting in Saigon Worm castings are one of the most natural soil enrichments available and are environmentally friendly, all natural, easy to use and safe to handle. Earthworm castings were created by “Perionyx Excavatus worm” for the purpose of promoting optimum plant growth and everything required to provide it is found in them. Houseplants love worm castings, as do all outdoor flowers, vegetables, shrubs, grass and trees.  Worm castings are non-toxic, so it is safe to use around hu
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  • Frozen Earthworm for aquaculture and Aquarium
    Ngày đăng : 19-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Frozen Earthworm for aquaculture and Aquarium

    Frozen Earthworm for aquaculture and Aquarium, A delicious native food forshrimp, fish, eel, frog...Supply high protein, amino acid, Vitamins.... What is Frozen Earthworm for aquaculture and Aquarium Frozen Earthworm for aquaculture and Aquarium An Phu Earthworm Co., Ltd produces Frozen Earthworm, Perionyx Excavatus, free of heavy metal contaminates, fillers or other dilatants and is guaranteed to be pesticide-free. These product has emerged as the premier aquaculture feed, feed additive & supplement that we introduced in the Asian market place. Our Product can impact aquaculture
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  • Earthworms - An animal feed alternative
    Ngày đăng : 21-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    The Analysis of Earthworm powder Anphu Worm Meal

    The Analysis of Earthworm powder Anphu Worm Meal has been shown by too much studies from large university and institude from the world.... Earthworm Powder, a new product begin to emerge in the market and may help to increase the life quality of all animals: The Analysis of Earthworm powder Anphu Worm Meal Effective of Earthworm in aquaculture development Searches of Food Technology Institute (Ital) of São Paulo, Federal University of São Paulo, Federal University of Brasília, Federal University of Paraná, Agronomic Laboratory S/C (LAGRO), Agricultural Nuclear Energy Center, were imp
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  • Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack
    Ngày đăng : 10-11-2022 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack

    Haben Sie schon einmal Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack verwendet? Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack Welche Aromen mögen Fische? Salz, Fischschleim, Fischdärme, Fischextrakte, menschlicher Speichel... aber was ist der beliebteste Köder zum Angeln? Natürlich ist Regenwurm aus einem bestimmten Grund der beste unverzichtbare Angelköder. Viele Fischarten beißen, wenn Sie Würmer verwenden, und sie sind nicht teuer oder schwer zu finden, sowohl kleine als auch große Fische neigen dazu, nach dieser Art von Ködern zu suchen. Wurm eignet s
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Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd – Solution for organic agriculture

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