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  • Ngày đăng : 27-02-2018 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Food for worm

    Food for worm - think of!!! Usually people set up their own worm bin at home so they can compost their food scraps and leftovers. Unfortunately not all waste materials are created equal from a worm’s standpoint (or a human health standpoint for that matter), so we should talk a little about what should and should not be added to an indoor worm bin. Food for worm SHOULD Food for worm Vegetable & fruit waste (citrus fruit should be added in moderation when using smaller bins) Starchy materials – bread, pasta, rice, potatoes – all in moderation (beginners may want to avoid thes
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  • Ngày đăng : 27-02-2018 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Earthworm compost bedding

    Composting worms not only need food, but also some sort of habitat to live in – Earthworm compost bedding materials provide both. What is Earthworm compost bedding Ideal worm living conditions can be created initially by adding lots of bedding material with a decent amount of waste material (and likely some water to ensure adequate moisture conditions). People often refer to the ideal composting moisture content as being similar to that of a wrung-out sponge. Higher moisture levels do tend to work better for worm composting, but this is definitely a good guideline to start with (esp
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  • Ngày đăng : 21-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    How To Harvest Earthworm

    How To Harvest Earthworm is easyer than anything else before you thought before... When to harvest earthworm Generally, a worm bin will have produced a significant amount of good vermicompost at between two and three months along in the process. If you wait even longer, like 4-6 months, you'll have more finished looking vermicompost (it will look more like soil and have more plant-ready nutrients in it). Tip - Try harvesting early one time, then letting it go for much longer the next time, so that you can see the difference in finished product. Harvesting Methods - How To Harvest
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Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd – Solution for organic agriculture

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