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Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

19-01-2017 Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle in a farm at Cu chi distreet, Hochiminh City of Vietnam, it is a beautiful sample to learn….

The practice Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

My sister in the cow permaculture world, uses earthworms as a handy source of protein for her cow.

 I’m unlikely to follow in her footsteps since the infrastructure demands are quite high, but I wanted to share her process in case some of you are keen to give it a shot.

Earthworm Cow Grass - A big cycle

One of the Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

She has a big ruber farm, in Cuchi of which she has sunk worm bins into the soil (surrounded by cinderblocks to keep the worms in place.)

She puts big sheets of plastic along the ruber line, on top she cover its to protest the ruber leaves and rain.

The bins are full of cow manure from her cow farm along with the typical redworms she added.

Earthworm Cow Grass - A big cycle

Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

The happiness from Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

Earthworm Cow Grass - A big cycle

Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

The worms decompose the manure and breed like crazy in the process.  At intervals, she scoops out over 50 metric ton of castings and 1 metric ton of worms.

The casting then she fertilizes to her ruber farm and some for her grass farm, worm becomes  protein source for her cow and chickens.

The cows scratch through, eating up the worms and working the compost into the soil.  Free protein and soil amendment all at once — what could be better than that?

Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd

5/8 Streest No 15, Binh An Ward, Dist 2, Hochiminh City – Vietnam
Tel: 8498.3346179 – Fax: 8428-62810261
Email: wormvns@gmail.com

Zalo: +840983346179

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    Earthworm Cow Grass – A big cycle

    Earthworm Cow Grass - A big cycle in a farm at Cu chi distreet, Hochiminh City of Vietnam, it is a beautiful sample to learn.... The practice Earthworm Cow Grass - A big cycle My sister in the cow permaculture world, uses earthworms as a handy source of protein for her cow.  I'm unlikely to follow in her footsteps since the infrastructure demands are quite high, but I wanted to share her process in case some of you are keen to give it a shot. One of the Earthworm Cow Grass - A big cycle She has a big ruber farm, in Cuchi of which she has sunk worm bins into the soil (surrounded by
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Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd – Solution for organic agriculture

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