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01-06-2022 Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

Effective of Earthworm in aquaculture development

Composting worm

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  • The Useful Of Earthworm Powder For Human Care!
    Ngày đăng : 21-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    The Useful Of Earthworm Powder For Human Care

    The Useful Of Earthworm Powder For Human Care as Lumbricus Tonic has no known, toxicities, contraindications or interactions. Hisashi MIHARA Hiroyuki SUMI Hideaki MIZUMOTO Tomoyuki YONETA Ryuzo IKEDA and Masugi MARUYAMA _________________________ Department of Physiology Miyazaki Medical College Kiyotake, Miyazaki INTRODUCTION The Useful Of Earthworm Powder For Human Care The Useful Of Earthworm Powder For Human Care! The history of use of the earthworm as a therapeutic drug source for various diseases extends back for several thousand years in China and other parts of the Far
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  • Red Wigglers King of Compost Worm
    Ngày đăng : 17-01-2019 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Red Wigglers – King of Compost Worm

    Red Wigglers King of Compost Worm (Eisenia Fetida), the king of composting worms, are the most popular and versatile of the composting worms for sale in Saigon. Named of Red Wigglers King of Compost Worm They need 3 things to thrive on breaking down your organic material: Air, Water and Temperature. Provided a good environment, they can eat 50 to 100% of their weight in food a day and produce three cocoons a week. Each cocoon can produce 1 to 5 baby worms. Red Wigglers (Eisenia Fetida) are called a lot of names Redworms, Tiger Worms, Manure Worms and Compost Worms. These worms are the
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  • Ngày đăng : 20-12-2018 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Top 10 Fruits Worms Love To Eat

    As a new season of harvest rolls around, fresh peaches, pears, apples and much more will be filling kitchen pantries. It’s a great time of year to make delicious morning smoothies, fresh fruit pies and give your worms a succulent treat! Tropical fruits a delicious food of worm This year, instead of letting all of your fruit trimmings go to waste, start a compost pile with them or give them to your worm farm! Worms are huge fans of fruit, it’s one of their favorite snacks. Any vermicomposter will tell you how much worms just seem to thrive and produce more when fruit is a staple in their die
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  • Earthworms - An animal feed alternative
    Ngày đăng : 05-05-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Earthworms – An animal feed alternative

    Using insects as an alternative to the conventional animal feed has been researched for quite some time now, ranging from flies to insect larvea, this new alternative could be the answer to the ever increasing price of animal feed. Now Earthworms - An animal feed alternative are being bred as an alternative feed source, and the waste is being seen as a rich fertilzer. A win-win some would say. Earthworms - An animal feed alternative Most farmers apply fertilizers and all kinds of manure such as human waste and animal urine on their farms to improve production. They also mulch as an
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  • Earthworm Liquid Make Fishing Bait Perfect
    Ngày đăng : 02-06-2022 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Earthworm Liquid Perfect fishing bait flavour

    Have you  ever use Earthworm Liquid Perfect fishing bait flavour before? What Flavours do fish like?  Salt, fish slime, fish guts, fish extracts, human saliva... however what is the most popular bait for fishing? of course EarthWorm is the quintessential fishing bait for a reason. Many species of fish will bite when you use worms, and they aren't expensive or hard to find, both small and large fish tend to go after this kind of bait. Worm is best for fishing bait, but Earthworm Liquid is perfect bait flavour for all. Earthworm Liquid Perfect fishing bait flavour is made from
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  • Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack
    Ngày đăng : 21-01-2017 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Earthworm For Marble GobyFish and Catfish

    Earthworm For Marble GobyFish and Catfish is apply widenly in Vietnam fish farm....and got an very good result in crop. Utilization of earthworms (Perionyx excavatus) as a protein source for growing fingerling marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) and tra catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Nguyen Huu Yen Nhi Faculty of Agricultural and Natural resource, An Giang University, Long Xuyen City, Vietnam nhynhi@agu.edu.vn Literature review Biological characteristics and feeding behavior of two fish species - Earthworm For Marble GobyFish and Catfish Earthworm For Marble GobyFish and
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  • Ngày đăng : 27-02-2018 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Food for worm

    Food for worm - think of!!! Usually people set up their own worm bin at home so they can compost their food scraps and leftovers. Unfortunately not all waste materials are created equal from a worm’s standpoint (or a human health standpoint for that matter), so we should talk a little about what should and should not be added to an indoor worm bin. Food for worm SHOULD Food for worm Vegetable & fruit waste (citrus fruit should be added in moderation when using smaller bins) Starchy materials – bread, pasta, rice, potatoes – all in moderation (beginners may want to avoid thes
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  • Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack
    Ngày đăng : 10-11-2022 Người đăng : Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd - Solution for organic agriculture

    Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack

    Haben Sie schon einmal Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack verwendet? Regenwurm Flüssigkeit Perfekter Fischköder Geschmack Welche Aromen mögen Fische? Salz, Fischschleim, Fischdärme, Fischextrakte, menschlicher Speichel... aber was ist der beliebteste Köder zum Angeln? Natürlich ist Regenwurm aus einem bestimmten Grund der beste unverzichtbare Angelköder. Viele Fischarten beißen, wenn Sie Würmer verwenden, und sie sind nicht teuer oder schwer zu finden, sowohl kleine als auch große Fische neigen dazu, nach dieser Art von Ködern zu suchen. Wurm eignet s
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Anphu Earthworm Co., Ltd – Solution for organic agriculture

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